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Our Team

Jack Wetzel

Founder & Managing Director


Leads the firm and investment team through 35+ years of business experience.  He previously served as Chief Financial Officer of Foundation Energy Management, playing an integral role in its growth as an energy fund manager.   He graduated with an MBA from the University of Southern California and a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Notre Dame.

Jake Hodges

Senior Associate


Manages the firm’s deal management work flow and provides direct analytical support on acquisition and investment opportunities.  He graduated with an MBA from Southern Methodist University and a BS in Civil Engineering from Bucknell University.

The full-time team is augmented by important consulting and part-time relationships in the areas of business development, engineering, operations, legal, accounting and administration, human resources, hedging and risk management.  

© Twin Oaks Fund Management, LLC | 5310 Harvest Hill Road, Suite 190 | Dallas, Texas 75230 | 214.743.4100 |
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